More than 'bump' in the night: Surveillance watch is a go in Paranormal Activity 2
Paranormal Activity 2: I'm extremely critical when it comes to sequels, and when it comes to horror films. I don't know why, but I feel as if my level of enjoyment is always challenged when watching either type of movie. So, when the two come together, imagine my expectation. Luckily, this horror-sequel got it right.
I am not a fan of Paranormal Activity--I thought the prominent techniques causing scares were merely gimmicks and the story line was weak while lacking any tension. Though the sequel reuses the surveillance angles and sudden 'movements' (there are lots of 'gotcha' moments), they mostly don't act as cheap thrills but move along the story and build *real* tension accordingly. The characters are much more drawn-out this time around, and help establish this film's position in the horror genre; in the first film, they were too archetypal to create any lasting effect. There's not a lot I can say about this film without revealing the narrative's trajectory, other than it cleverly executes and explains it. This film, more so than the first, has enough substance and technical grounds to make it 'scary' and surprisingly resonating--there are many added dimensions (narratively, conceptually, etc.) to the sequel that make it more accessible and memorable. Even if its recycling can cause the same frustration experienced in its predecessor, the thrills it eventually makes create the horrific effect the first film failed to do. More importantly (and as a result), it's a fun and frantic time.
Grade: B
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