Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Review: Love and Other Drugs (2010, Dir. Edward Zwick)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Review: Made in Dagenham (2010, Dir. Nigel Cole)
Review: The Next Three Days (2010, Dir. Paul Haggis)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Actress Profile: Jill Clayburgh & An Unmarried Woman (1978, Dir. Paul Mazursky)
Review: All Good Things (2010, Dir. Andrew Jarecki)
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A job that makes a killing: Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst in All Good Things. |
All Good Things--It's not strange at all that director Andrew Jarecki finds interest in dramatizing the mystery surrounding the case of a wealthy New York real-estate tycoon's involvement with murder. He, in fact, documented the uncovering of a troubled family in 2003's Capturing the Friedmans. All Good Things tells the story of a troubled young man (Ryan Gosling) who is torn between his loyalty to his family's legacy (represented by his tyrannical father, played by Frank Langella) and desire to entirely deviate from that environment with his young wife, played by Kirsten Dunst. What ensues is his corrupt involvement in his family's business, and eventually the disappearance of his wife and murder of his best friend.
For a film focusing on a story filled with tension and deception, All Good Things feels somewhat lifeless. The characters are rather shallow--Jarecki never really gives us any sense of subjectivity or emotion other than surfaced expressions, while the dialogue does little in terms of revelation or humanizing. This is not to say any of the performances are bad, though. Gosling and Langella serviceably do what they can with their characters, while Dunst gives an unusually strong performance as someone who should be depicted as much more complex than the film allows. The film's narrative pace is crisp and it's shot beautifully--the cinematography and editing hints at an eerie tone that's never fully realized because the film is restraining too much. In fact, it feels much slighter than it should be. If it gave its characters and plot more breathing room and perhaps extended certain sequences, the film would be much bolder and endlessly haunting. The story is intriguing enough, but the film isn't. Despite great performances and technical credits, All Good Things holds back when it should be striving for something more.
Grade: C+
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Reviews: Due Date (2010, Dir. Todd Philips), Howl (2010, Dir. Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman), & Morning Glory (2010, Dir. Roger Michell)
Staring contest, you and me: Robert Downey, Jr. and Zach Galifianakis
Due Date--Todd Philips follow-up to The Hangover proves that a film doesn't need to be fully developed to produce full laughs. Robert Downey, Jr. and Zach Galifianakis star as a mismatched couple who share a car and drive cross-country so one of them can reach his wife's delivery on time while the other has dreams of being an actor. Along the way, they find themselves in crazy situations while they meet crazy people, in the form of Juliette Lewis, Danny McBride, and Jamie Foxx, among others. Vastly predictable it may be, Due Date still manages to be quite funny. Effective gags range from Galifianakis' dog to Downey's hilarious excessive anger and frustration, while some of the dialogue is hysterical. The problem is that none of these characters jump out as original, round, or human--they are *all* one-dimensional, and the film garners very few surprises in terms of its story. Thank god this script has a terrific comedic director and cast because, without them, Due Date wouldn't go far. But in terms of this crew, the film adequately manages its predictability to incite a reasonable amount of hilarity. If you're not expecting something highly smart and witty, you'll fare well with this funny (though rehashed) road-comedy.
Grade: B-
Stirring the pot: James Franco as controversial beat-poet Allen Ginsberg.
Howl--It seems as if in terms of biopic, James Franco is your man. In Howl, he portrays legendary poet Allen Ginsberg who's poem of the same name incites an obscenity trial against the work's publishers. Embedded into this courtroom drama are various interviews with Franco as Ginsberg, as well as animated interpretations and collages of his popular poem. Watching the film, I was reminded of both Todd Hayne's I'm Not There and George Clooney's Goodnight and Good Luck, as Epstein and Friedman's film feels like a strange hybrid of both of those movies. It maintains this interesting duality of a conventional courtroom trial (with an array of literary professionals portrayed by Mary-Louise Parker, Jeff Daniels, and Treat Williams, among others) and this whimsical, artistic exploration into Ginsberg's mentality. Though just as the film quite didactically expresses near the end, art is something only up for interpretation--oddly, the film has a rather objective nature when dealing with Ginsberg's work. If it were left more ambiguous and mystic, Howl would actually be a much more fascinating film. Though the animation is beautiful and perhaps serves the purpose of adding coherence to Ginsberg, the film would've benefited from an essence lacking in clarity so it would invite much more interpretation, much like "Howl" itself. Nevertheless, as it stands, Howl is still a unique and experimental take on art that features an unusual structure colored by an amazing cast.
Grade: B+
Not exactly on the same page: Rachel McAdams and Harrison Ford.
Morning Glory--Much like the above Due Date, Morning Glory is predictability elevated by terrific actors and direction. Rachel McAdams stars as a young executive producer of a morning talk show, Day Break, that is in serious need of heightened ratings. In turn, she pairs her lead female anchor (a vibrant supporting turn from Diane Keaton) with Harrison Ford's ultra-professional, traditional journalist. What ensues? An office romance, a controlling job, and funny supporting characters and quirks in between. Yes, this is formula--but this is formula done extremely well. Though it may be recycled, Morning Glory feels so fresh because of its sharp wit and immeasurable energy that comes from the delightful script as well as the outstanding cast. McAdams has yet to give a performance that doesn't impress me, as she's endlessly charming, funny, and yes, adorable. Keaton is hysterical to the point of me wanting to see more of her, while Ford's growly and grumpy newsman took a bit to get used to but ultimately is an endearing character portrayal by the actor. Patrick Wilson is formidable and Jeff Goldblum is Jeff Goldblum (like that's a bad thing...). The thing with Morning Glory is that it has all its pieces where they should and tend to always be--stock characters, romantic cliches, heart-warming montages--but it's shot too beautifully, written too cleverly, and acted too well for me to just recognize it as a standard romantic-comedy. Yes, I get the genre has its own codes and formula, but I'm sick of those that are so tired and wish they were as fun and energetic as this one.
Grade: A-
Review: 127 Hours (2010, Dir. Danny Boyle)
Stuck in the moment you can't get out of: James Franco gives his best performance yet in 127 Hours
127 Hours--Danny Boyle just isn't one of my favorite directors. Granted, I haven't seen *all* of his films (his best, to me, being Trainspotting), but his frenetic style is something I can only take in small doses. It didn't necessarily elevate Slumdog Millionaire beyond it's repeated core, and doesn't add much to his new film, 127 Hours. What does make the film memorable and, actually, very good is the highly impressive performance from James Franco (an actor who always does well but not exactly extraordinary until now) among a few other effective elements.
Franco stars as Aaron Ralston, a young and active daredevil-with-a-death-wish who, after meeting two female hikers (Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara, making the most out of their brief but pivotal appearances), gets his arm stuck under a bolder in a cave in April 2003. The rest is history, as we all know what happens and how it occurs, but 127 Hours still ignites enough excitement in a story whose ending we already know. One of the strongest attributes of Boyle's film is his dedication to this intimate, claustrophobic space and how he cinematically conveys this sensation. His choice in editing, while overdone at times, serves to emphasize the emotional tension Ralston is going through, while A.R. Rahman's score (as well as some other tracks) sets a pulsating tone.
The film however, especially in the last thirty minutes, seems a bit too preachy. Ralston does reach some insightful realizations regarding himself and his family, but those don't arise without some forced thematic montages (characteristic of Boyle) that neglect the strong, intimate resonance. Nevertheless, Franco gives an empowering performance full of range and poignancy--Ralston becomes an accessible, human figure; actors portraying real-life people sometimes tend to make them seem mundane and one dimensional but, thanks to Franco, this is not the case here. Though excessive in some areas, Boyle's 127 Hours is ultimately harrowing, dramatic, and emotional.
Grade: B+
Friday, November 5, 2010
Review: Fair Game (2010, Dir. Doug Liman)
I get knocked down, but I get up again: Naomi Watts and Sean Penn fight the power in Fair Game
Fair Game--Leave it to Doug Liman, director of The Bourne Identity, to cinematically portray the intensity surrounding the real life story of CIA agent Valerie Plame and her ambassador/columnist husband, Joe Wilson. It could've turned out like Green Zone, the Matt Damon-starrer from March that had zero substance and merely focused on the gung-ho action associated with the WMD crisis. But Liman's smarter than that--he successfully mixes the political thriller genre with an exploration into a crumbling marriage without a hint of maudlin flavor. The result is an effective drama touching upon political questions and actually answering some with a coherent balances of audacity and restraint. In other words, this isn't an Oliver Stone film.
Naomi Watts and Sean Penn play the targeted wife and husband, respectfully, and they do a more than admirable job. Watts' performance is multi-layered and human, impressively displaying anxiety, heart-break, warmth, and determination that acquaints the audience to Valerie's mentality. Penn doesn't surprise, because he's equally intense--he turns Wilson into the physical embodiment of rage at one moment and a sympathetic and pressured husband at another. Both performances are surprising and full of range that is needed to express the reality of their predicament. The cinematography and editing are sharp, creating this atmosphere of urgency and frustration, while the dialogue leans away from most contrivances.
Completely enjoying Fair Game does, however, partly rely on the viewer. It depends on what his or her attitude is to the Plame scandal, for the film is based on both her and her husband's published accounts of what happened. The dramatization, while cinematically rendered to high impact, may rub some as 'too left' or narrativized subservient to certain liberal ideals. Perhaps Penn's presence exacerbates this notion, but 'Fair Game' is in no way propaganda--it tells its story with a purpose that's not overly biased or underwhelming. In other words, it mainly focuses on the injustices of the White House rather than leaning either way on the political spectrum, but strongly-opinionated spectators might still find cracks to fill with their external criticisms. If the audience chooses to accept the slightly fictionalized events (what goes on inside their home according to Plame and Wilson's works) surrounding the reported facts, they get the privilege of enjoying of the year's best dramatic thrillers. If not, it's their loss.
Grade: A
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